Thursday, February 23, 2012

Closing Post

Well.... I have to confess, even though I said I was leaving Animation Mentor for a while, I never went back to finish the program. After all, the main goal was to land a job in the movie industry.

Looking back at this blog I think it actually has a good beginning and a very dramatic ending. So, after been inactive for a very long time, today I decided to close it with this last post. That does not mean that my journey end here, there is always a lot to learn. As I always say, the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.

This blog is a testimony of what happened when I decided to actively pursue my dreams. After 4 years working at Dreamworks as an animator, I still remembered all the enthusiasm and excitement I was feeling those amazing months, and can not help but feel gratitude with that younger me. I had to make some sacrifices along the way, but today I'm enjoying the fruits of it.

So, what can I say: Dreams keep you energized; Goals keep you focused and on track; But neither one of them means anything if you don't do something about it and pursue them.

Here is my first demo reel as a professional character animator.

Ares Deveaux Demo-Reel 2011 from Ares Deveaux on Vimeo.